Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The 30 Beauty Project

I’ll be 30 at the end of December and I want to hear from the lovely ladies who have turned 30 recently or who are turning 30 soon or even those who are long past turned 30.  I would love for you to take the time to answer some of my questions. I will not use your real name and you can copy the questions and email me your responses, or if you’re not shy reply here.  If you are only comfortable answering a few that’s okay too. I’m hoping every week I’ll be able to have a new woman’s answers on my blog. And if you like my blog- share it, get the world out that we are ready for a new definition of beauty.

Occupation/Passion/What do you do?

What would you tell your 15 year old self about: (Answer all or as many as you like)
·         Beauty
·         Fashion
·         Boys
·         Love
·         Men
·         Sex
·         Family
·         Friends
·         Body Image
·         Fitness
·         Nutrition
·         Anything else you want to add

What was the one thing you were scared of when you turned 30? Not there yet? What are you dreading most about turning 30?

What’s the best lesson you’ve learned over the years about beauty?

What do you consider beautiful about yourself?
What do you consider beautiful about your best friend, which she may not know about herself?

Did you feel you were beautiful at age 10?
  • Age 15?
  • Age 20?

Do you feel you are beautiful now?
  • If no, when did you stop feeling beautiful or why have you never felt beautiful?
Have you had a moment where you realize beauty may be something other than what the media portrays it as? Describe that moment please.

What do you hope your daughter learns about beauty? Don't have a daughter? What about a young niece or cousin? or granddaughter or daughter-to-be?
Thanks for taking the time and answering my questions. Check in every Wednesday for a new entry.

CLICK HERE for Week 1
CLICK HERE for Week 2
CLICK HERE for Week 3
CLICK HERE for Week 4
CLICK HERE for Week 5
CLICK HERE for Week 6
CLICK HERE for Week 7
CLICK HERE for Week 8
CLICK HERE for Week 9
CLICK HERE for Week 10
CLICK HERE for Week 11
CLICK HERE for Week 12


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thanks for your reply, I have hidden it and will be posted in the next few weeks. Please check every Wednesday for new responses to The 30 Beauty Project

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thanks for your reply, I have hidden it and will be posted in the next few weeks. Please check every Wednesday for new responses to The 30 Beauty Project
