Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Mother's Day New Appreciation

Farrah is 6 months old today! I know! where did the time go? It’s hard for a mom to see her little baby grow up and I can only imagine how much harder it gets. Each day she gains more skills and needs me less and less. Don’t get me wrong she is nowhere near independent and she is nowhere near not needing her mommy, but every time she learns a new skill I have mixed feelings. Excitement about how smart she is and how amazing it is to see her eyes light up when she does something so minimal yet so monumental to her. Then there’s sadness that she is getting so big and time is flying by. Makes you realize what your mom went through and gives you a new appreciation for her strength.

I will be reminded of this Sunday, Mother’s Day. I may be celebrating, or hopefully getting super pampered, as a new mom but I will be doing so thinking of my mom and all the emotional struggles she had raising my brother and me. Though you’d never know it by looking at my mom, she keeps a tough shell, I’m sure I broke her a few times. Mind you by the time I finally moved out I think she was pushing me out the door and rolling out the floor plans to turn my room into a sewing oasis. She did make sure I knew there was always a bed and a fluffy pillow for me, which I laid my head down on more than a few times, for more than an extended stay.

Thanks for everything Momma, I understand. (and this big girl will always need her mommy)

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