Monday, 21 May 2012

I Went to the Pool and I Took My Stretch Marks With Me

I did something I never thought I would again, I went to the pool. Why I never thought I wouldn’t go there again has nothing to do with my like or dislike of public water, I know that’s an issue with some. My issue with the pool is my issue with my self-image. The kids have been asking for a while now to go, and I even got Baby Farrah a swim suit which she grew out of before I grew the courage to take her.

I decided on Friday I was no longer going to let how I feel about myself hold me back from doing something. So, for lack of a better and more accurate saying, I said “screw it”. Bought the next size up swim suit for Farrah, and took the kids to the pool. I’m not there to pick up men or to impress other women or to enter Miss Hot Mama Swim Suit Edition. I am there to enjoy the splishing and the splashing and the laughing. Also, to experience Farrah’s first trip to the pool and FYI- she loved it! Not only did she love it, she stayed in for two hours without a peep. I thought that was so impressive the next day I packed up the kids and we went again, for another two hours.

Think of all the things you are missing out on because of fear. I’m not talking about anything dangerous like jumping out of a plane, which I would never-ever-ever-no-way-not-for-a-million-bucks do. Just in general. Have you ever skipped out on an evening of fun because you were having a “fat” day? Or didn’t stand-up and speak your mind when you saw an injustice? Or didn’t return your under-cooked chicken because you didn’t want to upset anyone? Why are you putting the most important person in your life (that’s you) second or third or even last? Don’t you deserve to go to the pool in your bathing suit? And if someone stares and gawks (which they won’t) shouldn’t you then hold your shoulders even higher and show that it doesn’t bother you? You deserve to enjoy everything in life without worrying about what other people are thinking.  I mean really, what are they going do? Excuse me lady, you have far too many stretch marks and cellulite for this pool. Hellz no! Plus, I'm pretty sure stretch marks help you be seen from the bottom of the pool if you are drowning and cellulite makes you float... But don't quote me on that. lol

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