Thursday, 3 May 2012

The 30 Beauty Project: Week 12

I was in the middle

There was no pictures of girls in the middle

Age: 30

Occupation/Passion/What do you do? Stay-at-home Mom

What would you tell your 15 year old self about: (Answer all or as many as you like)

         Beauty your outer beauty will change over time, as long as you always about to find something true and pure about yourself you will be beautiful.

         Fashion is not as important as you think, right now it’s all about what you’re wearing to fit in, one day you will learn to fit in because of who you are or that fitting in isn’t as important as it was when you were 15.

         Boys keep a sense of humour about them and remember they feel just as shy and awkward as you do.

         Love the first cut is the deepest, you’re right that you never experienced anything like this before, but you’re wrong if you think you never will again or that it will never be better or bigger or stronger or more true and pure

         Men are just like boys, keep a sense of humour about them and remember they have just as many insecurities as you do.

         Sex it’s okay to be curious but I cannot stress enough about how you will regret it if you are not ready. You can’t take it back and it will be life changing no matter what.

         Family learn all you can, they are there to teach you and help you travel through life. They are the one constant in your life that will always be there.

         Friends will help shape your life and are there for a reason, to help you grow and learn. The good ones will become like family and the bad were there as background players for a reason and a lesson.

         Body Image you may not be able to see anything positive about yourself at 15 but soon you will grow into yourself. Keep your shoulders high and proud no matter what.

         Fitness keep playing and having fun and you won’t even notice what you are doing

         Nutrition help mom in the kitchen and learn a little. You’ll thank me in college when everyone else is eating KD and you’re whipping up a delicious and nutrious meal.

What was the one thing you were scared of when you turned 30?

My youth was gone. And it may be. Now I feel like I’m on a new journey and a new chapter. Hopefully with less drama

What’s the best lesson you’ve learned over the years about beauty?

Beauty is so relevant, what’s beautiful to one person can be ugly to another. As long as you believe you are beautiful doesn’t it matters if anyone else does. You are the observer.

What do you consider beautiful about yourself?

No matter what I always get ready in the morning. Even if I have no where to go, it makes me feel like I did something and I can take on the world. I can be spontaious if someone drops by or I want to go somewhere. I am prepared.

What do you consider beautiful about your best friend, which she may not know about herself?

She is the complete opposite. She can lay around in perfect satisfaction in here PJs and she does it without seeming lazy.

Did you feel you were beautiful at age 10? No I felt my big sister got all the attention and looks

Age 15? Nope, still jealous of the big sis

Age 20? Yes, finally discovered myself and what I was great at and broke out of her shadow, which was never really there and in my head all along.

Do you feel you are beautiful now? Yes

Have you had a moment where you realize beauty may be something other than what the media portrays it as?

I’ve always felt I didn’t look like the girls on TV or in magazines. My hair wasn’t perfect, it was curly and messy. My clothes were perfectly pressed, they were hand-me-downs. I wasn’t tall and thin, but I wasn’t big either, I was in the middle and there was no pictures of girls in the middle

What do you hope your daughter learns about beauty?

I hope she learns she doesn’t have to live up to anyone else’s expectations and she doesn’t have to compete with anyone. She only has to live for herself and what makes her happy.

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