Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The 30 Beauty Project: Week 6

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman with brains
Never stop learning, keep developing your skills and open your mind and heart to new things.

Age: 31

Occupation/Passion/What do you do? Teacher turned Stay-at-home mom

What would you tell your 15 year old self about: (Answer all or as many as you like)

         Beauty knowledge is beauty, nothing more beautiful than a smart confident woman so keep studying lol

         Fashion experiment and have fun while you’re young cause one day you’ll have too little money and too much body to wear whatever you want

         Boys Danger! Danger! Haha stay away

         Love first love yourself, then love others

         Men Again, danger! haha

What was the one thing you were scared of when you turned 30?

Not having what everyone else had. Not having the house, the 2 cars, the dog, the cat, the cabin for summer with the boat. The quad, skidoo and everything else. But it’s not about that, and it took having a child at 30 to realize that.

What’s the best lesson you’ve learned over the years about beauty?

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman with brains. Never stop learning, keep developing your skills and open your mind and heart to new things.

What do you consider beautiful about yourself? Everything, I know I’m beautiful, I believe it and I wouldn’t change a thing about myself.

What do you consider beautiful about your best friend, which she may not know about herself? She has an amazing ability to capture an audience. When she walks into a room everyone wants to talk to her, know her, and be her. She is radiant.

Did you feel you were beautiful at age 10? Yes

Age 15? Yes

Age 20? Yes

Do you feel you are beautiful now? Yes

Have you had a moment where you realize beauty may be something other than what the media portrays it as? When woman are asked to be thin and blemish free rather than smart you know there’s something wrong with the media. We push clothes and shoes and hair products on woman when we should be focused on education and building a females confidence through knowledge.


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