Wednesday, 25 April 2012

The 30 Beauty Project: Week 11

Believe in yourself

you deserve good things, including being beautiful

Age: 30

Occupation/Passion/What do you do?


What would you tell your 15 year old self about:

         Beauty believe in yourself and you will believe in your beauty

         Fashion have fun now because soon enough it’ll be comfort over fashion

         Love you’re too young to fully understand, but you’ll never believe me if I told you

         Family as much as you think you hate them now, they are the only ones you can truly trust and the only ones who will be there no matter what

         Friends come and go, but the good ones stick around

         Body Image goes hand in hand with self-image. You won’t have a good self-image if you don’t have a good body image. Find something you love about your body and work from there.

         Fitness won’t be found in front of the TV, go outside a little. Play some sports

         Nutrition so hard to understand; wish they taught it in school.

What was the one thing you were scared of when you turned 30?

That I was now longer young, fresh, and relevant. I still feel young

What’s the best lesson you’ve learned over the years about beauty?

Maintenance and confidence. If you let yourself go, you will. You have to care enough about yourself to take care of yourself. That comes with confidence. Believe in yourself and that you deserve good things, including being beautiful.

What do you consider beautiful about yourself? The family my husband and I created.

What do you consider beautiful about your best friend, which she may not know about herself

Her smile and confidence

Did you feel you were beautiful at age 10? I was always told I was beautiful and always felt like a princess. I’m not sure I knew what that meant beyond being told that

Age 15? No, I was a late bloomer and all the other girls had had boyfriends and first kisses already. No boys seemed to care about me.

Age 20? Yes, but now I see it was for the wrong reasons, I was very vain then.

Do you feel you are beautiful now? Yes, I’m not as vain as I used to be. I see beauty in different ways now.

Have you had a moment where you realize beauty may be something other than what the media portrays it as? Probably my late 20’s after things stopped being all about me, when I had my first baby and realized he was what was beautiful about me.

What do you hope your daughter learns about beauty? I don’t have a daughter but I hope to teach my son how to treat girls and women properly. I don’t ever want him treating girls the way I was treated by boys when I was a teenager and the way I let myself be treated when I was a young adult. I want to teach him respect and equality.

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Wednesday, 18 April 2012

The 30 Beauty Project: Week 10

I started being more fearless

I told myself every morning I was beautiful until I believed it.

Age: 30

Occupation/Passion/What do you do?

Administrative Assistant  

What would you tell your 15 year old self about: (Answer all or as many as you like)

         Beauty will fade, define yourself in other ways

         Fashion have fun and try new things while you can

         Boys don’t take them too seriously

         Love will feel so intense the first time because you never felt that way before but try to keep your head level

         Men should not be any of your concern right now

         Sex not everyone is doing it and even if they are, that doesn’t mean you should. You’ll know when you’re ready, don’t push it. And trust me you’re not ready at 15

         Family you can trust, believe that

         Friends real friends will be there good or bad and you won’t have to work hard to keep them around

         Body Image your body will always change and never look the same, go with the flow. Don’t stress over changes

         Fitness is so important, find something you love and is fun and stick with it.

         Nutrition if your body doesn’t work your life stops. Fuel your body with the best. Treat it like you would a brand new car

What was the one thing you were scared of when you turned 30?  I worried that once I hit 30 it meant I was too old to go out to a bar, too old to date, too old to switch careers, too old for school. Basically, too old. But I’m doing all those things. I’m going to school part-time, I go out to the bar, meet men, date. I may be a slow starter but 30 isn’t really that old.

What’s the best lesson you’ve learned over the years about beauty?

Believing in yourself and that you’re beautiful is more powerful than any make-up or surgery

What do you consider beautiful about yourself?

Last year I started being more fearless, I signed up for school and started putting myself out there to date. I started trying and got off the couch and out of the funk I was in. I smiled more and tried to meet new people and men. My life isn’t even close to over but I was treating it like it was never going to begin, I had to put the effort in to start my life.

What do you consider beautiful about your best friend, which she may not know about herself?

She’s got it figured out. She has the family, the house, the dog and the job. She seems so confident and makes it look easy.

Did you feel you were beautiful at age 10? Yes

Age 15? No

Age 20? No

Do you feel you are beautiful now? Yes

Have you had a moment where you realize beauty may be something other than what the media portrays it as? I worried about that so much when I was in my early 20’s and I never could find my way. I never looked like anyone in the magazine and I couldn’t relate to any movie stars. I had to stop trying to live up to the old man, who picks the models, expectations or lust. I told myself every morning I was beautiful until I believed it.

What do you hope your daughter learns about beauty? If I have a daughter I hope she learns beauty isn’t everything and that’s the biggest secret in the world that no one wants you to know.

 C'mon have some fun, here's the questions fill 'em out CLICK HERE

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Go On, Treat Yourself Like a Kid

I’ve been making Baby Farrah baby food with The Baby Bullet, which is amazing by the way. The commercials are very accurate, and I would recommend one. Anyways, I’ve been happily making Farrah’s baby food and got to thinking, why don’t we eat as well as we make our kids? And even beyond that, why don’t we treat our bodies as well as we treat our kids?

Ever really think about that? We make sure our kids eat all their veggies, we limit their treat intake, and they don’t get snacks if they don’t eat all their food. We ensure they have well-rounded meals, three times a day and healthy snacks along with some fun ones once and a while too. We make them go to bed early on school nights to make sure they get enough sleep and aren’t grumpy the next day.  We tell them to go outside and get some fresh air and exercise. We limit their TV, gaming, and internet time and we also make sure they read every day.

Maybe us moms should challenge ourselves, try it for a week. If you wouldn’t let your kid do it, you don’t do it. If you feel like eating a bag of nacho chips at 9pm, (did that last night haha) ask yourself, would I let my kids do this? If the answer is no, put the bag away. Make your dinner plates to replicate theirs, and eat all your veggies. When the homework is done after school, join the kids outside at the park (and don’t just sit on the bench) or maybe kick the soccer ball around. Try going to bed early for a week, and read for 30 minutes before bed. Limit you TV, gaming, and internet time to the same amount you allow them.

Phew! This is gonna be tough, think I can do it? I don’t know if I can, but I’m gonna try and I’ll let you know how it goes, that is if I don’t use up all my internet time on creepin’ Facebook.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

The 30 Year Beauty Project: Week 9

Believe in yourself, have confidence, and listen to your gut
There’s no way advertisers or shows can capture what is truly beautiful. It’s a feeling, not a look.

Age: 30

Occupation/Passion/What do you do?

Stay-at-home mom

What was the one thing you were scared of when you turned 30?

That I would become irrelevant, I would no longer be part of the “young” crowd and I would become out of touch and out of style.

What’s the best lesson you’ve learned over the years about beauty?

Believe in yourself, have confidence, and listen to your gut.

What do you consider beautiful about yourself? I’m not scared in front of a crowd and my eyes

What do you consider beautiful about your best friend, which she may not know about herself? She’s the best host I know, she shines when she’s throwing a party, dinner, family event, etc

Did you feel you were beautiful at age 10? I don’t think I cared or knew either way

Age 15? No, does anyone? I was so awkward then

Age 20? Yes, I met my husband that year and he had a lot to do with building my confidence

Do you feel you are beautiful now? Most days, sometimes I feel pushed to the side with my kids. But I have to tell myself when they shine or excel it’s because of me and my parenting (and my husband’s lol)

Have you had a moment where you realize beauty may be something other than what the media portrays it as? When I was pregnant with my 3rd kid and my body was as resilient. I was never ever to bounce back like the first two and the last one was definitely the one that shook me the most. I wasn’t able to confidently show off my stomach like some pregnant women do and what was the trend the 3rd time, the bump pics. I haven’t been able to wear a bathingsuit since let alone a bikini. I’m dreading the summer. But this year I’m going to just do it.

What do you hope your daughter learns about beauty? It’s not about what tv or internet tell you. There’s no way advertisers or shows can capture what is truly beautiful. It’s a feeling, not a look.

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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

The 30 Beauty Project: Week 8

30 is not 'that' old

If I'm as fantastic then as I am now, it's only going to get better from 30 on!!

Age: 29

Occupation: Wife/Mother/Photographer

What would I tell my 15 y/o self about:

Beauty: Don't allow looks to overshadow inner beauty.

Fashion: Who cares what a person wears? I didn't then and don't now and my life is far from over because of it. :)

Boys: Try not to allow your life to revolve around them. This one 'may' be a hard a one, but trust me...there are far more important things in this life then trying to get a boys attention.

Love: Love your family & friends. They're the ones that are there for you throughout your life.

Body Image:
Everyone is beautiful no matter what body type they have. It's the attitude they have that allows them to be beautiful or not.

Fitness: Super Important!!! Stay fit!! You only get one shot in this life and the healthier you are, the better your chance at enjoying it is.

What do I dread most about turning 30? You know...the more I think about it, the more I'm warming up to the idea. At first I was terrified and kept thinking, that day I was going to hide in my bed with a gallon of ice cream and cry! The closer it looms though, the more I realize how silly that is! 30 is not 'that' old and if I'm as fantastic then as I am now, it's only going to get better from 30 on!!

Best lesson I've learned about beauty? "Don't judge a book by its cover". I've realized that some of the most beautiful (looks-wise) are the most horrible. Beauty definitely should NOT be defined by looks but instead by actions and attitude.

What do I consider beautiful about myself? I think my most beautiful assets are my compassion, loyalty and drive.

What do I consider beautiful about my best friend? I think my best friend is beautiful because although she falls repeatedly, she gets back up and continues to strive to be a better person.

Did I feel beautiful at: 10? I'm not really sure I fully understood this term, so I'm not sure how true my answer would be.

15? No. Definitely did not because I cared too much what other people thought of me. All those things I would tell my 15 y/o self, I sometimes wish I would've followed my own advice.

20? Maybe not entirely, but I was definitely on my way to discovering my confidence.

Do I feel beautiful now? Absolutely. I feel confident in myself 'most' of the time and I really could care less what people think! I live my life for myself, my husband and my kids and that's all I could really ask for.

What do I hope my daughters learn about beauty?
I really hope that my girls learn that they ARE beautiful and to not ever let anyone tell them different. I hope they are confident and honest and true to themselves and that what people look like doesn't define who they are.